The new ApiOpenStudio Admin Interface

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It’s time to reveal the ongoing work with the new ApiOpenStudio Admin interface, written in VueJS:

We are about halfway there now, with the following completed:

  • Routing
  • Templates for different page layouts
  • Resource development page
    • Drag ‘n’ Drop interface
    • Lists of processors (nodes) in the system
    • JSON view
    • YAML view
    • Ability to switch between the views with data loss
    • Import/Export resources locally
    • Processor info slideout drawer
    • Ability to enter input constants
    • Centre and zoom the view on the existing design
    • Re-order the nodes in the GUI
  • Applications page
  • Notifications modal
  • Home page
  • Unit testing (Vite)
  • E2E and Component testing (Cypress)
  • Styleguide (yarn styleguide)
  • Jdoc (yarn jdoc)
  • Theming
  • Light/Dark mode

The develop branch on ApiOpenStudio core has been updated to include a refresh token. This extends the JWT functionality, so that when the existing login token expires, the user does not need to log in again (unless they have been away for over 1 week).

The next phases includes:

  • Adding unit tests for the conversion between Drag ‘n’ Drop data to JSON/YAML
  • Login & token refresh functionality
  • Replacing stub data with real API calls from an ApiOpenStudio core instance
  • Account page
  • Tidying up the styling
  • Other pages:
    • Modules
    • Resources
    • Variables
    • Users
    • Roles

Why not take a look at the project:


  • John

    He is a developer with 20 years experience. He decided that he didn't want to follow a management track and is now a technical lead, leading and inspiring new developers.

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