New version of ApiOpenStudio Docker Dev

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ApiOpenStudio Docker Dev has just been improved!

This is an update of the existing developer docker environment, geared towards developers of:

  • ApiOpenStudio Core
  • ApiOpenStudio Admin
  • Plugins
  • Connectors

It is not ready for full public release yet, because it implements the new ApiOpenStudio Docker Dev, which is still in pre-release.

However, it has some brilliant new features:

  • Uses Traefik as the reverse proxy (faster and better than Nginx reverse proxy).
  • All logging in a single place from Traefik and ApiOpenStudio (easier development processes).
  • A Makefile to simplify setup, initialisation and day to day usage (easier and faster setup and usage).
  • Example settings file, allowing you to get up and running in under 20 minutes (no need to worry about debugging your initial setup).
  • Persistent DB, stored in a docker volume for security, space-saving and portability.
  • Full HTTPS support and setup
  • Tested and working on all major OS’s:
    • Mac
    • Linux
    • Windows
  • The only requirements on the host OS:
    • Docker
    • Git
    • mkcert
  • Fully documented in the README, including FAQ for possible common issues and howto’s.

It will be a new major version release, will not be backwards compatible with the existing v1.x.x of apiopenstudio_docker_dev. Because of this, it will remain in the develop branch until apiopenstudio_admin_vue is ready for alpha release at the earliest.

You can checkout out code from the develop branch at, ensure that all repository checkouts are on the develop branch (for now).

This will enable a sneak preview on progress in the new Admin interface, that will include a drag n drop interface (for even faster and simpler development), and fully revised UX/UI.


  • John

    He is a developer with 20 years experience. He decided that he didn't want to follow a management track and is now a technical lead, leading and inspiring new developers.

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