Increased security and speed with JWT tokens

Current dev work is almost complete for implementing authorisation with JWT token for all resources! This will be part of the upcoming Beta release.

The ticket can be viewed in Gitlab.

This will replace the existing alpha version of a custom token and token TTL for each user in the user table.

It is quite important to note, before we move on, that JWT tokens are a different thing to oauth2, implicit grant, explicit grant, application grant and PKSE authorisation flow. JWT is only a standard for tokens. If you need to implement oauth2 or other similar workflows this is separate from the JWT implementation.

The problem

The problem with the former approach, was that resource requests had to make DB calls to the user, user_roles, roles, account and application tables in order to verify user permissions to that particular resource, FOR EVERY API CALL. This obviously negatively impacted performance for API calls.

This also meant that authorisation was not easily scalable to authorisation servers for enterprise implementation, because the implementation of the token and authorisation for API calls was tightly coupled to the ApiOpenStudio database and several of its tables.

The solution

Although the former approach was stateful (it maintained login state, so users could login and out), the stateless JWT token approach means that the token does not need to be stored in the database. The downside of stateless JWT tokens, is that there is no logout state. So if a user’s access is revoked, they will still have access to resources until their current token goes stale.

However, this can be mitigated by making the JWT token lifetime short in the ApiOpenStudio configuration.

Each JWT token contains custom claims for user ID and all roles that that user has. So when the initial request is received by ApiOpenStudio, it just decrypts the token and validates the user’s roles against the resources account/application and permissible user roles (i.e. Does the current user have the required role access to the account & application?).

Knock-on effects

The following processors have been retired:

  • user_login.
  • user_logout.

Nearly all core resources have been updated use the new processors:

  • generate_token (generate a valid JWT token for a user, with custom claims: uid, user roles).
  • validate_token (validate the Authorization token as a valild JWT token).
  • validate_token_roles ((validate the Authorization token as a valild JWT token and also validation the user has the correct role permissions for the resource).
  • bearer_token (not used by core atm, but preserved for any processors that need access to the bearer token).

Processors have been optimised, now that they do not need to do any pre-validation on who can do what – this is left to the core resource definitions.

Tests are updated to incorporate the changes, and also now have multiple test users with different roles.

The good news

Not only has this significantly improved the API response time, it has now made the API much more scalable for enterprise. We communicated and researched several major 3rd party authorisation services, including auth0, to make sure that the decision to move to JWT tokens and custom claims would still be viable if a 3rd party auth server was used.

Most 3rd party authorisation services implement linking into external databases, so that would take the heat off the api server for token generation, and allow the token generation to be completely decoupled from ApiOpenStudio. This will be the subject of a future post.

Joining the API economy

We’ve all heard about the API economy and the extra revenue it can provide while increasing the network and visibility of the business. We will be discussing the processes and advice for how you would actually join the API economy.

Types of API’s

There are basically two areas of API’s:

  • Internal API’s that are never exposed to the outside world, and are generally intended for a micro-service architecture. The benefits and challenges of this will be discussed in a separate post.
  • Externally exposed API’s that offer data and services to 3rd parties. These can either be free or paid.

This post will deal with externally exposed API’s. Purely internal API’s are not strictly part of the API economy, these are services within the company.

Moving into the API economy

The decision to move into the API economy might require a cultural shift within your business, and one that can be that would be very beneficial. It is primarily a business decision, rather than being left solely to the IT department to find ways of using the data that they have collected for the benefit of the business. This is a good thing! It requires all of the business to get together and decide on what data they want to share, is there already enough data to share, what extra data and metrics need to be collected, how will this be collected, does the data need to be changed. etc.


I would recommend taking a top-down approach to this, rather than launching your IT dept into coding your great idea. The planning of this is very much a business decision, and each department should be involved at nearly every stage, as you move from project inception to meetings and discussions of potential merits of the plan and ideas this will spawn, through to final planning and execution.

This might require a cultural change in your departments, as the different departments start to think about what assets they have or can create to be added to the API suite. They will probably find that they need to change processes and approaches in order to fully embrace this.


Defining what a REST API can do is a separate topic for another post. But essentially, it is built on the rather convenient request types in a HTML request:

  • POST
  • GET

These allow for Create, Read, Update and Delete requests to be made over the API. If you want to impress your IT team, the acronym for this is CRUD. Thus, you can merely Read (i.e. GET) data or you can also Create (POST), Update (Push or Put) and Delete (DELETE) data.

GraphQL APIs

Defining what a GraphQL API can do is another separate topic for a post. But essentially, it is addresses one of the shortcomings of the REST structure: meta-links.

REST has a shortcoming in that you cannot specify data selection parameters and related items in the same request without a custom attributes in the query. So this leads to multiple round trips and requests, e.g. fetch all posts, then the for each post. Each of these items would then contain links for subsequent requests to fetch each things like comments or taxonomy terms for each post. This can significantly increase the data loading time.

GraphQL addresses this problem by allowing an API request to include data structure and request elements in it. Thus, you can fetch your data in one request.

Commercial benefits

Commercial benefits should be made to either make the API’s free or only accessed through a payment gateway and account access to the API’s. Once that is decided upon, Security and volume loads need to be considered. With the explosion of free and commercially driven API’s along with the massive increase in Javascript frameworks and headless architecture, traffic for the could potentially be high, so provision will have to made in the server architecture to be scalable. This is a huge topic for a separate post.

Thought should be made into what service you are providing to 3rd parties and customers:

  • What benefits will they get from these new data and service endpoints?
  • How easy will it be to use and access?
  • What will the format of the data be?
  • Will the customers require any customisation and tailoring to their needs of the services? For instance, Uber’s custom requirements from Google maps API’s
  • Is there a business model for customisation, etc?

If access to the API is going to be limited to paying customers or selected 3rd parties then access control needs to be implemented. This is where ApiOpenStudio and some other API frameworks come into their own. You can define users, departmental and account roles for individual users or groups and then define what access rights these roles have to individual API resources. Perhaps you only want to give a 3rd party Read access to specific data, whilst giving one of your departments full Create/Read/Update/Delete access to all or a subset of the data. Maybe your API model wants to enable a 3rd party or department the ability to control their own silo’d data – so that data would be private to them, but they would have Create/Read/Update/Delete to their own data and only they would have access to it over the API’s (with the exception of you monitoring the data for security, API request rates and data volume control).

Creating your APIs

Before you dive straight into creation of the API’s, you should also consider the API’s from the user’s viewpoint. How easy will they be to use, do they provide data in the format that is most easy for me to consume, how will I discover these resources, i there any benefit for me to create code to consume the API’s, what other competitive resources are out there, are they better?

Once you have decided on the basic API model that you want to provide, you can start getting down to the nitty gritty of defining each resource and what it will do. ApiOpenStudio, and paid-for-services like MuleSoft will allow you to import API resource definitions from Swagger. If the API resources need processing logic on the data before final delivery, this should be defined and created. This is very simple in ApiOpenStudio, it is designed specifically to make this quick and easy. Meaning you do not need to employ expensive developers who are experts in a specific coding language to implement them (which can also be a time costly exercise).

Once you are ready to go, you need to pay specific attention the marketing of the new API suite. If you just put it out there and wait for the customers to come in, it is almost certainly going to fail. It is very important to put thought into how you will let people and companies know about the API. Maybe an email blast to your customers, creation of a specific website for the suite to expose it to the public, blogging, getting listed in aggregate listings of API’s, etc.

Alpha release is nearly there!

Alpha release is so close we can touch it! We are getting very excited about this now!

This is the final countdown, with only a couple of weeks left:

  • This site is nearing completion
  • The ApiOpenStudio has gone through a major refactor after the pre-release branding change.
  • We have about 90% of my Functional tests reviewed and working.
  • Domains and servers are setup and working nicely
  • The wiki has been worked into and worked into and is looking nice
  • The PHPDoc is performing nicely
  • GitLab pipelines is now pretty much working as we want it to:
    • Linting on all merges and PR’s
    • Compiling and deploying the wiki to dev and prod
    • Compiling and deploying the PHPDoc to dev and prod
  • The GitHub mirror has been set up

I’m disappointed that I’ve so far been unsuccessful in integrating the Codeception tests with GitLab CI. I really wanted that ready for the initial release. However, since this is Beta release, I’ll aim to get that ready before the Alpha release.

See /roadmap for more details of the ongoing work.

Product name change

We have product name change from funky/cool GaterData to ApiOpenStudio. We feel that although it’s not quite as cool, it actually says what we do! This will help people discover us and increase the community base.

This comes with a great new logo:

Designed by Tim Bywater

You did a fantastic job, many thanks Tim!

In the meantime, the main site has been updated, the GitLab Repo has been updated.

To complete, we will be going through the codebase and updating it for that.

ApiOpenStudio release

We are really close to releasing.

Certified developer finally released from the asylum…

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