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The topics include: an introduction to the product and a run through of all the basics of the technology, and where you save time and money.
Followed by Q&A on the Product and the Business Concept.
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APIs are displaying continued astronomical growth (see https://www.postman.com/state-of-api/api-global-growth/#api-global-growth) and are now a critical part of nearly all modern architecture. However, we have seen a lot of coverage recently of the different terms encompassed by the API First methodology, especially as people try to use these buzz-words to generate excitement over their products without fully understanding what they mean.
In IT, terms tend to evolve, due to the pace of change. But this is not the ideal way to create terms as it can lead to similar terms, causing sub-optimal communication, even mistakes. But unlike industries like aviation and maritime, which are the gold standard for communication, w do not set a standard and declaration for what precise terms to use and when, to prevent confusion, misunderstanding and planes and boats crashing into each other.
For instance, we now have the following:
(Yes, I know that some of these are unrelated to APIs, however there is a real problem with language here – everything sounds the same and confuses people)
I don’t know about you, but my head is rattling from all of these variants. This is getting ridiculous and incredibly confusing for everyone, requiring a lot of reading of articles to understand the nuances of the new terms that are being introducing and how these may subtly differ from the others.
As technologists, we need the business community to fully grasp the ideas and benefits behind the API first methodology so that we and they can make sound judgements on directions and strategies. This means that the ideas need to be immediately comprehensible and their ramifications obvious.
I am going to suggest that we throw out a lot of these phrases and keep things simple, but I won’t try to reinvent the wheel and create completely new phrases. For the rest of this article, I will only refer to 3 terms.
API First concepts
Each term has an impact on the technical and business strategies/successes in different measures. But each concept requires a full “buy-in” and understanding from the business.
API First
Design the and build the API first!
The product is built around the API.
This is reflected in the business strategies and revenue models (see API as a product and API design 1st).
API-first is obvious from the business point of view. The API is the primary income generator or essential to other income product/s. Without a revenue model, you do not have a business. Therefore if APIs are the main product or critical to a product that is being created/overhauled, then the API becomes a crucial first-class citizen, not just for the technical dept, but also from the business.
Information and data are key to the modern business, right? APIs are the backbone for nearly all data communication.
Building a new product (not just API) is an expensive task, both in time and money. By going through a full design phase for the API, the correct emphasis and attention is given to the API that it needs, a lot of thought will be put into:
What data is being shared across the API.
Why this data sharing is required or wanted.
Who/what will be consuming the data (internal and/or external).
This will reveal any potential flaws or opportunities in assumptions that the business has made.
Ensuring that all business processes are made more efficient by the new agile data flow that APIs will provide.
Future changes/versioning.
n return, API First will have a causal effect on the business by ensuring that due diligence and research is followed before embarking on a costly venture of system build. A lot of thought will be put into what the business needs and why. Future projections and plans become much clearer.
This does not mean that all other resources sit in idle-mode until the API is built, in fact it can happen simultaneously. Once you have the API model built in documentation like OpenAPI or Redoc (quite early in the process), you have a model that can be used by consumers before you start the full development. This saves time and money on fixing broken assumptions, missing or inadequate requirements.
API as a Product
The API may be the core product, but not necessarily.
API as a product has 2 definitions:
External-facing API that is monetised
Indirect monetisation by a product that requires an API to function or public exposure and usage through a free public API.
API as a product, is tightly coupled to the API design-first concept. In order to implement business strategies for revenue driving APIs, good design and documentation is a “must-have” to enable third parties to consume the APIs, providing an easy-to-use, comprehensive and unified experience.
If the API product is well designed and documented, this will increase the consumption and efficiency of the API (and therefore income). Postman alone has seen very significant increases in traffic and API usage, despite the global downturn and Covid:
Since the 2021 State of the API report was released, the Postman API Platform saw significant surges in use: * Users: 20 million * Collections created: 38 million * Requests created: 1.13 billion
In general, this is a development model for APIs that ensures the following criteria are met:
Reach agreement from all stakeholders.
Design the APIs models first on OpenAPI or similar product.
Build the API.
Separate products can be built at the same time as the API.
API design first may not be quite so obvious from the business POV, because at first view, it is just a development process. However, because it requires approval from all stakeholders, it is critical to have business “buy-in” to the process. This enables all of the business to see what/why the API is being built, and ensures that everyone is agreed on the most critical features they need.
In addition, this results in a rare instance of a complete understanding of what is being built and why, by the technical department. Instead of just being told to “build this” by the business without any consultation between them on what the rationale is, what is technically feasible, or if there is a better solution, the developers and department see the vision and are able to work towards that vision in a much more efficient manner and the end result will be a much better product.
This all ties in with discoveries and revelations being made about “Developer Experience”.
Up until recently, a lot of research and time has been invested un user experience (UX) and there is no denying the value that this can contribute to the business by increasing traffic and revenue. However a new key realisation is being made about developer experience (DevX). Who will be directly interacting with and consuming the APIs (and therefore making critical decisions that will impact their business about what APIs to consume and the frequency)? That right, developers!
They will correctly discard badly documented or difficult to use APIs in favour of better APIs. This means your product will be directly impacted by the DevX experience!
If you are supplying an external facing API for revenue (direct with monetisation or indirectly by offering APIs free with the associated traffic, publicity and exposure), then DevX is crucial to maximise income.
If you are supplying an internal facing API, then good DevX will have an impact on associated systems design, development and maintenance. Business processes that interact with the API will be either made more efficient by a well designed API or made cumbersome slow and inefficient by bad APIs.